26 de setembro de 2010

"a ideia é tornar os pensamentos diferentes impossíveis e, se estes começarem a decorrer, relegar as alternativas para a terra do nunca da irresponsabilidade derradeira, onde zelotas idealistas e mal informados enraivecem loucamente, inspirando apenas os que são facilmente enganados."

geografia do poder-richard peet

à espera da manhã seguinte.

pensei em entrar nos serviços académicos para rasgar os computadores e destruir os papéis à paulada. houve coisas que quis que soubesses, mas que nunca cheguei a dizer-te. há mais empresas municipais do que municípios. há milhares de fundações e parcerias público-privadas do mais inútil que se possa pensar. logo, um aumento de impostos não me parece propriamente imprescindível. escrevo sentado à espera que a chuva caia e leve as minhas palavras. fui ao médico e o meu estômago aconselhou-me a deixar de beber. se todos os anúncios de emprego pretenderem pessoas com experiência profissional nunca receberei um ordenado. faço uma reconceptualização dos meus conceitos a cada cinco minutos. entro na sala a dizer que tudo vai correr bem, quando sei que tudo vai correr mal e que me vou magoar. sinto-me assustado por não estar assustado com a palavra neoliberalismo. os especialistas, que não a conhecem, dizem ser extremamente perigosa. fiquei tão absorvido pelos sons da água e das árvores a baloiçar ao ritmo do vento que pensei estar sozinho no mundo. quando sais o tempo pára e fica a olhar fixamente para mim. recebi uma carta registada a avisar que estou morto.

20 de setembro de 2010

the spirit is here.

the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is here. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. i'm here. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. yes, i'm here. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. and i'll haunt your dreams. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. the spirit is gone. the spirit was gone. and now i'm back.

princípio de uma nova existência.

caminhava a pé. era noite. havia luzes nas janelas. conseguia sentir-se o cheiro a pessoas. imaginava como seriam aquelas vidas. como seriam aquelas pessoas. tudo me parecia incómodo, feio, mau. mas por mais morto que tudo aquilo estivesse, o desejo de alimentar-me daquelas vidas tornava-se a necessidade de uma vida. da minha vida.

18 de setembro de 2010

é nos dias frios que o tempo passa e a vida acontece.

14 de setembro de 2010

gosto de pensar que o aumento dos benefícios do cartão jovem está em nada associado à redução dos mesmos para o cartão de estudante.

5 de setembro de 2010

miopia liberal.

já em 74 o bruno leoni estranhava que fossem os economistas os principais defensores da liberdade individual. passados mais de 30 anos, verificar que o leoni ainda tem razão causa-me algum transtorno intelectual. concluo que os filósofos já não existem, os juristas estão velhos e os senhores cientistas da política adormecidos.

3 de setembro de 2010

you gave me the answer you're looking for.

"this is not love. this is just an idea of something."

by mr. z

2 de setembro de 2010

"de que serve ter olhos azuis claros quando se é estrábico?... nada."

by D