21 de abril de 2010
19 de abril de 2010
14 de abril de 2010
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a burocratização da violência.
as pessoas que se colam ao varão do metro, não deixando espaço para os restantes utilizadores, dão o primeiro sinal do egoísmo social latente. isso para lá de evidenciarem alguma falta de método e clareza no que aos conceitos de público e privado diz respeito. defendo que devia emergir (mais) uma grande instituição internacional para regularizar e supervisionar esses problemas do quotidiano (nem precisa de encerrar um poder efectivo, a sua acção poderá ser meramente simbólica). ao fim ao cabo, eles atentam contra o vulgar cidadão do mundo. e o vulgar cidadão do mundo só aceita ser atentado se a violência for burocratizada. a burocratização da violência permite a execução da mesma. assim sendo, quero mais instituições internacionais.
thomas went for treatment because of social pression. he thought he wanted to find the cure, but during the process he realized he was actually not collaborating. he did enjoy the pain. he felt comfortable in his pain, it was his safe and cozy place. pain can be a source of pleasure and therefore nothing wrong with pain.
11 de abril de 2010
my body is an empty hole.
i took some time off from the world. it felt good. i like to run away and then, eventually, come back. though the challenge of not returning is really appealing. i'm tired of feeling uncomfortable and out of place. i need a place, where the streets are not full of memories, names and history. a place, where i have no identity. i tried do it here. i tried to do it with you. but it is no longer possible. this is a city of ghosts. so, i'm walking away. for good. i packed everything in an empty bag. a bag that i want to fill with experiences and photos of people i'll meet in this journey. however, i am afraid. i am afraid of ending up with a huge bag full of stories and having no one to share them with. but i accepted the risk. i'm silently broken. it won't make a difference anyway. i wanted to say i'm sorry and i'm gonna miss you. but i couldn't. it was stronger than me. so, i just left. i kept saying i wasn't the bad the guy for so long that i guess i convinced myself i wasn't. it turned out i am. and i always were. you were right. you were so right. but i never meant to hurt you.
9 de abril de 2010
everything's right. everything but me.
não há motivo aparente para estar, mas estou. não devo ter sido concebido para o ser. devo ter lido algures como é que devia ser feito. depois tentei imitar o que li, mas não resultou.
ideias de mrs pat.
ideias de mrs pat.
8 de abril de 2010
6 de abril de 2010
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